
Yoga Teacher Training at Vishuddhi Yoga

We welcome you to this temple of yoga, Yoga Teacher Training at Vishuddhi Yoga. Carefully nurtured and developed after years of diligence by our founder Shri Mahinder Prasad. For us at Vishuddi Yoga Teacher Training, we don’t only welcome you as yoga students, but as beings of this infinite cosmic family, working towards the path of self-realization. At Vishuddhi, Yoga Teacher Training, we don’t treat yoga as an exercise, but as a science to understand the inner engineering of ourselves. In the 21st century, we see that the path of yoga has become unanimous with the term exercise. People see it as a sport and worthy only as a fitness regime. We strongly disapprove of this and our Yoga Teacher Training programs propagate yoga in its true essence, with focus on all the 8 limbs of yoga; namely Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi. As explained by Maharishi (the great sage) Patanjali and the path mentioned in other ancient texts. We sincerely hope your stay at Vishuddhi Yoga Teacher Training, will imbibe the true yogic essence within you. And that where ever in the world you go, you will spread the light of yoga.

Yoga is for the entire human race

No matter where you come from or what age you are or what gender you belong, Yoga has immense potential to drastically transform your life. Apart from the spiritual benefits, there are a lot of physical benefits attributed to the practice of yoga.

  • It relieves stress
  • It’s an incredible way to strengthen the body.
  • It’s an amazing way to gain flexibility and greater functionality of muscles.
  • It’s non-competitive and adaptable to every shape, size gender and age group.
  • It’s not a high impact movement and can be done for the rest of your lives.

Our mission

These days Yoga Teacher Training has become a money-making business. But at Vishudhi Yoga, our sole aim is to spread yoga in its true essence, helping people to balance the mind body and spirit and lead peaceful, successful lives. We only charge for the stay and costs incurred. At Vishuddhi Yoga Teacher Training, we are involved in various social activities to spread yoga and help the not so privileged people in our society. We believe in making yoga accessible and understandable to everyone and anyone who wants to learn the intricacies of this ancient science. Our Yoga Teacher Training programs provide a special focus on yoga therapy, proper alignment and the use of props in Iyengar style. So that the practitioner can get the maximum benefits from a particular yoga asana (pose) and have an injury-free experience. Our yoga teacher training courses include tuition in Traditional Hatha yoga, Astanga yoga (primary series) Vinyasa flow. We understand the seriousness of yoga and have carefully created our yoga teacher training program after a lot of careful thought. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, there will be a lot to learn, share and experience. At Vishuddhi Yoga Teacher Training our mission is to stay true to the essence of yoga

Our guru mantra

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.

–The Bhagavad Gita

Life at Vishuddhi Yoga

At Visuddhi Yoga Teacher Training have combined the essence of an ashram with modern amenities. We provide a world-class and comfortable stay to our yoga practitioners. Whilst keeping the integral principles of ashram living intact. We realize that every individual is a unique creation of the universe, combination of Trigunas, Satva, Rajas, and Tamas. In Yoga Teacher Training we operate with the motto one size doesn’t fit all. We guide each individual practitioner in the way best suited for best possible growth. We encourage everyone to come into their own without any feeling of competition but with a strong desire for personal growth. The results can be seen as better overall health, enhanced awareness and conscious actions regarding the outside world.

Why Yoga Teacher Training Dharamshala and India?

Nestled in the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh. Beneath the snow-clad peaks of the Himalayan Dholadhar range, it is a place where Indian mysticism meets Tibetan Buddhism. This land has a rich culture and is home to the revered Dalai Lama. Filled with monasteries and ancient temples, this place has been a magnet for yogis and explorers alike, from around the world. Seekers come here in search of peace and a higher understanding of life. Yoga teacher training Dharamshala offers the perfect environment for beginning your yoga journey or diving deeper into your yoga practice. At Yoga teacher training Dharamshala you will find a variety of cafes offering cuisines from all the world and the opportunity to meet travelers from all over the world leading to a healthy exchange of ideas and cultural values.

Yoga teacher training in India

India is the birthplace of yoga. Its the only place in the world where yoga is still practiced in its traditional form as envisaged by Maharishi Patanjali. India is a confluence of many cultures, many traditions, studying yoga in India gives you a chance to experience this richness of culture and lets you dive deep into the roots of yoga.  Doing yoga teacher training in India will definitely enhance your perception of life and it’s varied aspects. Apart from yoga, India has a very versatile cuisine and offers something to quench everyone’s taste buds. India is an exceptionally beautiful and architecturally diverse country filled with forts, palaces, mosques, temples, monuments and ancient ruins. Home to the world’s oldest civilization, the architecture of India is rooted in its history, religion, and culture. Architectural styles have evolved under the influence of countless dynasties as well as the colonial period. There are currently 32 UNESCO World Heritage-listed sites across the nation, making India a treasure trove for history buffs and design enthusiasts.